Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hero of Time

As you see, I'm just starting to get to know my new best friend; Adobe Illustrator :)

“I feel good about how today went.”
-Invader Zim


Monday, January 14, 2008

The Plant

"Get a plant and keep it alive."
Perth 13:37

So, this part of my new year's resolution is half completed. Kind of. Well, I've done the easy bit, the getting-a-plant bit. Now it's up to me to keep it alive. It will be a challenge. I should at least manage it for a few days. Uum...
Anyways, it needs a name, my plant needs a name!
I thought of calling it: Hank, Yggdrasil, Neil, Pan, Deku, Jesus or simply Plant.

The naming of this plant will be very important, as it's likely to become my only friend...
Yay! A friend!